Advantages and disadvantages of downloading torrents:
Bittorrent allows sharing of any size file between two or more computers over the Internet. This means that instead of downloading a file from a single server, all Bittorrent users can join to download and upload this file at a time.
When uploading a file to a web page or email it creates a torrent file which is available on the network to be shared by other users with the Bittorrent protocol . This is how you create and share million torrent files each day. Are there any risks to downloading torrent files ? In this article we will know more about Bittorrent , which we know are some of the disadvantages and dangers to download files using this protocol.
Disadvantages of torrents :
The main disadvantages we can mention the expiry time of the torrent files. Many of them are downloaded very quickly in the first few days but quickly disappear from the network. This is because many Bittorrent users only download the file you need, and then disconnect from the network.
From this private trackers were created, which can identify and remove users to download files only and not shared with other network users. But after falling a tracker a new problem arises because new users can come and discover other but not existing. This has negative consequences as the extension in time of download.
Besides that, after falling a private tracker, depends only the users that have been connected before the fall occurs to complete the download you want. In most cases these users are removed and the discharge remains incomplete.
The private trackers themselves also represent another disadvantage for users of the BitTorrent protocol . The reason is that the trackers consume a portion of the network traffic. Considering the number of files and size of most of those in the network, we realize that in time could affect location of users and files.
Dangers of downloading torrent :
BitTorrent users are no strangers to receive unwanted files. When requesting a file to a malicious user of this network, we can say that it has and will not be until you've completely downloaded for you to realize that you have been sent an unwanted file. The worst part is that you do not share information to be taken off the network.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, unwanted files as viruses, worms and Trojans can enter your computer as torrent files . Many of these unwanted files are renamed to avoid being identified. The greatest danger is that many of these files are played quickly and seep into temporary files and files shared over the network, thereby affecting other users.
Bittorrent allows sharing of any size file between two or more computers over the Internet. This means that instead of downloading a file from a single server, all Bittorrent users can join to download and upload this file at a time.
When uploading a file to a web page or email it creates a torrent file which is available on the network to be shared by other users with the Bittorrent protocol . This is how you create and share million torrent files each day. Are there any risks to downloading torrent files ? In this article we will know more about Bittorrent , which we know are some of the disadvantages and dangers to download files using this protocol.
Disadvantages of torrents :
The main disadvantages we can mention the expiry time of the torrent files. Many of them are downloaded very quickly in the first few days but quickly disappear from the network. This is because many Bittorrent users only download the file you need, and then disconnect from the network.
From this private trackers were created, which can identify and remove users to download files only and not shared with other network users. But after falling a tracker a new problem arises because new users can come and discover other but not existing. This has negative consequences as the extension in time of download.
Besides that, after falling a private tracker, depends only the users that have been connected before the fall occurs to complete the download you want. In most cases these users are removed and the discharge remains incomplete.
The private trackers themselves also represent another disadvantage for users of the BitTorrent protocol . The reason is that the trackers consume a portion of the network traffic. Considering the number of files and size of most of those in the network, we realize that in time could affect location of users and files.
Dangers of downloading torrent :
BitTorrent users are no strangers to receive unwanted files. When requesting a file to a malicious user of this network, we can say that it has and will not be until you've completely downloaded for you to realize that you have been sent an unwanted file. The worst part is that you do not share information to be taken off the network.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, unwanted files as viruses, worms and Trojans can enter your computer as torrent files . Many of these unwanted files are renamed to avoid being identified. The greatest danger is that many of these files are played quickly and seep into temporary files and files shared over the network, thereby affecting other users.
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